Last release: 1.0.0beta
(May 17, 2013)

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The Connectome Analyzer

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Before running The Connectome Analyzer

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Installation Instructions


This software is for research purposes only and shall not be used for any clinical use. This software has not been reviewed or approved by the Food and Drug Administration or equivalent authority, and is for non-clinical, IRB-approved Research Use Only. In no event shall data or images generated through the use of the Software be used in the provision of patient care.

Installation on Ubuntu/Debian

Upgrade R to version 2.6.0:



Make sure R is compiled as a shared library (ie: you should find a file named in the folder $R_HOME/lib/).

Install the iGraph library v0.6.5 for R:


Download the Connectome Analyzer zip file and move it to the folder you want to install it (eg: /usr/local/The_Connectome_Analyzer).

Move to the installation folder:

cd <path to The_Connectome_Analyzer.tar.gz>

Extract the source code:

tar xzf The_Connectome_Analyzer.tar.gz

Everything is set if you want to use the R scripts. They are stored in “<path to The_Connectome_Analyzer>/Rscripts” folder. Just edit and run the desired analysis in your favorite R environment.

If you want to use the GUI, upgrade python to v2.7:


You will also need Traits, Traits GUI, and rpy2:

sudo apt-get install python-traits python-traitsgui python-rpy2

Set the required environmental variables

If you are using the tcsh shell:

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path to folder containing the shared library file>
setenv R_HOME <path to main R folder>
setenv ConnectomeAnalyzerPath <path to The_Connectome_Analyzer>/Rfiles

For the bash shell:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path to folder containing the shared library file>
export R_HOME=<path to main R folder>
export ConnectomeAnalyzerPath=<path to The_Connectome_Analyzer>/Rfiles


Note that the ConnectomeAnalyzerPath variable ends with “/Rfiles”

To avoid setting the environmental variables each time you run The Connectome Analyzer, you can edit your bash configuration file...:

gedit /home/<username>/.bashrc

...And add the following (adapted to your installation folders) before saving the changes:

# Configuration for The Connectome Analyzer
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path to folder containing the shared library file>
export R_HOME=<path to main R folder>
export ConnectomeAnalyzerPath=<path to The_Connectome_Analyzer>/Rfiles

Make sure that you have the environment variables pointing at the appropriate locations. You should have the environment variables: LD_LIBRARY_PATH, R_HOME and ConnectomeAnalyzerPath. You can check this by entering the following commands in the bash shell (they should give you the correct paths):

echo $R_HOME
echo $ConnectomeAnalyzerPath

After organizing your data, you will be ready to run The Connectome Analyzer