Connectome Viewer Documentation

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Connectome File Format

Download and Installation

Step-by-Step Guide for Installation on Ubuntu/Debian

The Python Version 2.6 is needed minimally. Add the NeuroDebian repository to your system. The steps are explained here:


The Connectome Viewer with all dependencies is available from Neuro Debian:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install connectomeviewer

You should now be able to start with:

connectomeviewer -v

After startup, you can adapt the view widgets according to your needs and screen size. You can now download example connectome files. After loading a file, double-click on an item (e.g. a network) in the Connectome File View to load the data in memory. Start to explore the Code Oracle scripts (see Menu bar) for visualization and analysis task. Created scripts can be saved (Ctrl-S) and run (Ctrl-R) in the embedded Python Shell. You might want to change preferences in menu Tools->Preference (e.g. use Ipython, don’t prompt on exit).

Do not miss the Mayavi2 documentation page that details the many visualization capabilities also available in Connectome Viewer. Furthermore, check out the Neuroimaging in Python project for more neuroimaging package and documentation.

Installation on Other Platforms


You can install VirtualBox and a recent Neuro Debian virtual machine and then carry out the steps above.