.. CMA documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Mar 15 10:49:53 2013. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. The Connectome Analyzer ======================= Welcome ------- Welcome to the Connectome Analyzer documentation. The Connectome Analyzer is an open-source software for analysis of connectomes at multiple scales. It is distributed under the Modified BSD license as an independent module of the connectome mapping toolkit (`www.cmtk.org `_). Analyzing Connectomes --------------------- If you are not familiar with group comparison of connectomes at multiple-scale, you can check `here `_ for a brief summary. .. toctree:: :hidden: analyzing_connectomes/index The Connectome Analyzer ----------------------- The Connectome Analyzer is aimed to provide researchers with a complete set of tools to analyze connectomes from any source (DSI, DTI, QBall, rs-fMRI, etc...) at different scales (global, subnetworks and local). The main functions are currently coded in R and a Python GUI is provided to facilitate the configuration. How to use The Connectome Analyzer ---------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 installation data_organisation run_CMA Download -------- `Download `_ The Connectome Analyzer